As Some Question Higher Ed'S Value, Colleges Work To Fix The 'Time Trap'

"Time-trap thinking seems logical," writes Lori Carrell in the Los Angeles Times, "but it's short-sighted: Degrees mean real earning power and career growth, and many students do work during school.

More schools are looking at ways to accelerate that learning journey."

Among Carrell's ideas: "'College in 3+1'' programs that combine bachelor's and master's degrees.

Here are some other things I wish students knew: tuition-free grants have come down recently, at least in inflation-adjusted terms.

'Not ideal,'" writes Carrell.

"Some schools are taking creative approaches that include the ''College in 3+1'' programs that combine bachelor's and master's degrees.

Here are some other things I wish students knew: tuition-free grants have come down recently, at least in inflation-adjusted terms.

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