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How my company raised more than $1-million in government grants

September 2, 2016 2:00 am Published by

How my company raised more than $1-million in government grants – The Globe and Mail
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Special to The Globe and Mail

Friday, Sep. 25, 2016 3:19PM EDT

We’ve had great success with Youth Employment Grants that provide funding for bringing on resources under the age of 30 as well as the Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG), which is funding available to small, medium or large businesses to support short-term training for existing employees.

Funding in this area can also take the form of tax credits.

‘Swedes are marvellous at creating elegant solutions’

September 2, 2016 1:37 am Published by

He has a ringside seat to the Stockholm innovation scene, and he predicts that entrepreneurship is about to change.

Crowley made a confession: he used to think that social entrepreneurship was not real entrepreneurship.

It takes a special kind of person to take on the wicked problems that affect society, and we should be grateful to those who choose the path of solving them, but they’re not real entrepreneurs.

They bring focus to the issues that need addressing, but entrepreneurs have to build the solutions.

What is it about your idea that’s more important than the water crisis?'”

Tyler Crowley (@steepdecline) August 2, 2016

He thinks that Sweden is in a unique position to help meet the UN Global Goals, and that’s why he added a new element to the upcoming annual STHLM Tech Fest: the Solutions Summit.

He started Microsoft hoping to make a huge change in how people live their lives, and that’s still what he’s doing.”

But in Sweden, the government creates good policies and the population is quick to make a change once they have decided to do it.

They are more sensitive to the message that we need to solve other people’s problems, not just our own.”

If these funds make a deal with the people whose money they’re using, to change their priority, then we could see a dramatic shift occur.”

The rise of the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement, green funds and ethical investment banks shows that there is a strong appetite to see a change in what money is used to support.

Elon Musk is a social entrepreneur.”

I’m adding the same Solutions Summit to startup events in other cities, and it will work, but I think Silicon Valley will be one of the last places to embrace it.”

Presented by Stockholm School of Economics

Council grants give The Zone Youth Club lifeline to continue

September 2, 2016 1:26 am Published by

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Art council receives grant from state

September 2, 2016 1:03 am Published by

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Zimbabwe: UNDP, Global Fund Give Zimbabwe $143 Million HIV/Aids Grant

September 2, 2016 12:52 am Published by

Zimbabwe: UNDP, Global Fund Give Zimbabwe $143 Million HIV/Aids Grant –

THE United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global Fund have strengthened their partnership with additional funding of US $143 million to help scale up the fight against HIV in Zimbabwe, a press release said this week.

HIV remains a major public health challenge in Zimbabwe with 1.4 million people living with HIV at the end of 2015. Even though Zimbabwe has seen one of the sharpest declines in HIV prevalence in the region, at 15 percent it remains among the highest HIV prevalence rates in the world.

The HIV grant aims to increase access to HIV treatment, with a particular focus on the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, expanding HIV testing and counselling services, and scale up of prevention for adolescents and in and out of school youth.

“This timely new funding will sustain and strengthen existing HIV prevention and treatment services in Zimbabwe,” said Bishow Parajuli, UN resident coordinator and UNDP resident representative in Zimbabwe.

“Significant advances have been made in recent years but we must not be complacent,” Parajuli said. “Services must continue if we are to further reduce the rate of new HIV infections while also increasing the number of people initiated on to HIV treatment.”

Implemented by UNDP, in partnership with the Zimbabwean Ministry of Health and Child Care, the National AIDS Council and civil society organizations, the new funding will run from January 2017 through December 2017, said the press release.

The 143 million dollars are additional funding to the Global Fund’s existing HIV grant to Zimbabwe, taking the grant total to 611 million dollars, the press release said.

Zimbabwe has made great strides in the fight against AIDS, with the support of UNDP, the Global Fund and other development partners. The existing HIV grant supports 880,000 people in Zimbabwe to access life-saving HIV treatment.

Between 2014 and 2015, retention of patients on HIV treatment has increased from 87 percent to approximately 90 percent, while the proportion of HIV-positive infants born to HIV-positive mothers has declined from 18 percent to 4 percent in the same period, corresponding to 14,000 new HIV infections of children being averted.

The grant will be key to reducing the impact of the HIV epidemic and ensuring healthy lives for all, contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 3 on ensuring health and well-being for all.


Health grant targets prescription opiate abuse

September 2, 2016 12:07 am Published by

The Vermont Department of Health says doctors are still giving people too many opiates.

State and federal officials announced this week that Vermont would receive $371,616 from the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to help prevent prescription opiate abuse. we want to engage pediatricians because adolescents are high risk.

Chen said he also wants to encourage pediatricians to make use of the Vermont Precrisption Monitoring System, which records all schedule II, III and IV controlled substances dispensed to patients from Vermont pharmacies, helping doctors spot red flags regarding prescription drug use.

The department also plans to use some of the money to develop and implement a statewide communication strategy raising awareness of opiate addiction.

I think its one thing to give a message, he said. I think its another thing to have people understand it and another thing entirely to have people act on it.

Chen said there was finally evidence the message was being received and acted on.

This year was the first year I saw a downtick in opiates prescribed to Vermonters, he said.

By this year, Chen meant 2015 the most recent year the department had data for when the number of Vermonters receiving prescriptions for opiates dropped from 118,802 in 2014 to 116,617. The percentage of 15- to 18-year-olds who reported misusing prescription opiates in the last year went from 13.3 in 2010 to 9.1 in 2013.

In the meantime, Chen said he is working on regulations regarding opiate prescriptions for acute pain, trying to cut down on the number of patients who are given far more painkillers than they realistically need.

Weve created both an expectation on the patients part youve got to give them something and an expectation on the providers part they want to make sure people have enough, he said. The Vermont Department of Health says doctors are still giving people too many opiates.

Fund Evaluation Group Releases the FEG 2016 Community Foundation Survey Results

September 1, 2016 11:56 pm Published by

The FEG Community Foundation Survey investigates an array of investment and enterprise topics including spending policy, asset allocation, donor advised funds, technology, grant cycles, and responsive / mission-based investing.

Based on client feedback that current surveys available to community foundations often are too narrow in scope, FEG expanded their own survey first issued in 2014 with the explicit goal of providing a peer comparison for spending policy and asset allocation to include fresh perspectives on topics such as fundraising, donor advised funds, technology, grant cycles, and responsive / mission-based investing.

26% of community foundations surveyed have investments in Responsive Investing Strategies a broad term encompassing Environmental, Social and Governance, Mission Related Investing, Program-Related Investing, and Socially Responsible Investing.

Community foundations with greater than $250 million in assets express a more favorable opinion of active strategies relative to smaller foundations; however, the majority of community foundations were balanced or neutral in preference between active and passive investment strategies.

“We have worked with community foundations for more than 28 years and understand that investments are one part of the equation for enterprise considerations that community foundation professionals must address as they work to fulfill their missions,” said Becky Wood, Head of Consulting at FEG. FEG service lines include FEG Consulting, which provides traditional, non-discretionary investment consulting services to institutions; FEG OCIO, which provides outsourced CIO and discretionary portfolio management services for institutions; FEG Research, which provides traditional and alternative strategies’ investment manager research, due diligence, and monitoring; and FEG Managed Portfolios, which provides a series of turnkey portfolios for financial intermediaries.

Library group awards school grants

September 1, 2016 11:56 pm Published by

Entrance to the library is seen at Rock Creek Elementary Friday, March 18, 2016, in Twin Falls.

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BOISE a The Idaho Commission for Libraries awarded $200,000 to 47 elementary schools to buy books for preschool through first-grade students.

Money was also used to allow five schools to open their libraries during the summer.

The funds were in the form of mini-grants, for amounts between $1,000 and $5,000 each.

The goals of the grant program are to increase the amount of reading done at home, increase access to quality books in elementary school libraries, and to increase the number of children reading at grade level.

Forty-two grants, totaling $175,000, were awarded to elementary schools.

In addition, five schools a including Horizon Elementary School in Jerome a were awarded $5,000 grants so their libraries could remain over during the summer.

Blaine County School District: Bellevue Elementary School ($5,000) and Ernest Hemingway Elementary School ($2,000)

Cassia County School District: Raft River Elementary School ($5,000)

Twin Falls School District: Oregon Trail Elementary School ($5,000) and Rock Creek Elementary School ($5,000)

Social Entrepreneurship

Influencing Social Good Through Retail

When Hannah Davis   traveled to China to teach English, she noticed how Chinese workers and farmers were often sporting olive green army-style shoes. Those shoes served as her inspiration to create her own social enterprise, Bangs Shoes.

Federal Government Grant and Assistance Programs

Edited by: Michael Saunders

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